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How to do the fixing of loose outlets with the help of electrician service?

Loose electrical outlets can be frustrating and can severely impact the safety of your house. Go through the tips mentioned below to know how loose outlets can get fixed, and how to know when it’s time to call the licensed electrician service.

Make sure to keep the house safe and don’t ignore the loose outlets. If you have any query or not comfortable in fixing the loose outlet, contact the professional service.

How to do the fixing of a loose outlet?

1- Turn the power off

Ensure that the outlet power is entirely shut off on the main panel of the circuit. The only way to be sure completely the power to lose outlet is off is by doing the test with the help of voltage tester.

2- Unscrew the faceplate and do the observation

When you are going to do the unscrewing of the faceplate, you are going to see if the faceplate is unsecured or if it’s the plug. If you are trying to move the plug and it stays safe, simply do the screw of the faceplate tightly so that it doesn’t move.

3- Check if the plugs are supported

If the faceplate is not an issue, go through the screws that hold the plug. If they are not screwed entirely, ensure they are.

If by any chance you notice that the screws are not tight all the way but it is supporting the plug, you’ll have to secure it with the help of outlet shims which can be found at the local hardware store.

After checking both of them, the outlet shouldn’t loosen now. It is recommended by the expert electrician service to go through the outlets on a regular basis to ensure they are secured and home is safe and secure.

Can lose outlet do any harm?

Yes, one electrical spark can lead to a trigger disaster, so make sure to do the outlet light as soon as you check it as it’s essential.

Where to keep an eye mainly when checking the outlets?

Various times, doing the fixing of the loose outlet is easy and straightforward, but in case you find any of the issues behind the outlet, you’ll have the larger problems and might have to take the help of a professional.

1- Scorch marks or excessive heat

Any kind of visible scorch marks or heat on the outlet are the strong indications of wiring which is not safe. An expert can help you to get to the root and keep the house safe.

2- Frayed wires

There are various reasons why the wires fray. Most of the times, it takes place from heating or when they age. If you find this issue, call the professional electrician service.

By simply tightening or checking the outlet screws and ensuring nothing is strange behind the faceplate, you can be sure that the home is safe.

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